The End of the World…as we show it

We had a rather gothic night the other night, contemplating the end of the world, and how it would arrive. It led to some ruminations, but as ever, all responses were different, and in differing formats. Here is a poem from Jude Davison, on the subject.

The Great Dawn of Perfection

The two sat side by side drinking it all in

their senses heightened

each cell intuitively aware yet oblivious just the same

no need for knowledge or understanding

just beingness now

alive in the moment

the ebb, the flow, the out-breathe and in

It had taken a long time to reach this point

A slow unhurried evolution

As rocks and stones had surely, would surely, be and had been

tossed on endless waves by time’s faithful hands

to finally evolve into perfect single grains of sand

on fathomless beaches

so it had been foreseen

that this moment would surely arrive

The elders had prophesied all

passed down stories, left clues

in drawings and creature stirrings

We listened and were told

Cellular signs and animal instincts

infinite wisdom and knowledge ingrained

expressed, translated and transmuted

so that future generations, like ours

would recognise its glory and behold

But back then, before, in another era

in what came to be known as the dark times of humanity

the world had stretched and grown its awkward arms

through chaos and progress

through wars and famines

through technology and science

art and artifice

into a raging birth of epic proportions

The symptoms and warnings

the scars left by progress wheels

were plain in view

for those who had eyes

and who dared to see

Giant monoliths of concrete glass and steel

ascended from the earth

Up and up towards the heavens they flew

Each one bigger and higher

more fire resistant and weather proofed

totemic symbols that shadowed the ground

believing in their own fabled truths

They clustered together like desperate orphans

then multiplied, mutated, unstoppable viruses

spreading across the lands to become the precious cities

the promised lands of silver and gold

the shanty towns of the sick and old

the hospitals and care homes where the prosperous lay dying anyway

And minnow businessman took orders from billionaire sharks

who financed it all through deceit, tax evasion and greed

and turned base metals into dark

Then there it shimmered and swayed – in all its glory – the modern world unveiled

There was some modesty that housed the worried souls

the ones who recognised, saw and believed

but were helpless and lost

Destined by fate, at what cost?

Meanwhile the leaders sat in their watch towers drawing up plans

devising solutions and promising change

but oh, how they took, and took

in tweets they said that taking was good

all in the name of Allah and God and Jim Beam and Eurovision

and all they gave back was their tainted blood

Blood from a stone

water into wine

everything that was possible, was

and the magicians laughed, and the charlatans made note

the excuse papers wrote, just because

But down below these hollow skyscraper cathedrals

amidst the tangled webs of asphalt

steel girders, superhighways

flightpaths and navigation routes

Alongside railway tracks and cracked oil-spilling pipelines

under moss and detritus where moisture and dampness thrived

we gathered and grew, but mostly bided our time

And then it happened, as sure as it was writ

The fall of mankind

The gleaming towers were the first things to crumble


One can find symbolism in the simplest of dreams

the grass that took root, free for the offerings

made available by chance

finding purchase in the in between

the cracks of the crushed heaps of concrete and steel

The vines and creepers too

were quick to replenish and start anew

a green revolution, strident and keen

Then the fires that raged for decades

some say it was more like millennia

a cleansing cremation of gas and oil

of timber and plastic

belched toxic pink smoke

burning bigger holes in the stratosphere

while gleefully, the sun smiled

the ozone, no longer a barrier to its fearsome ultraviolet caress

And the seas and oceans took note, rose up and began

the waters that had watched and waited

and gurgled and laughed their murderous mirth

as their waves began to reclaim what was theirs since birth

drowning all in the depths from whence it had sprung

And so, here we sit and drink it all in

antennaes that twitch in anticipation

with tiny eyes that revel and wait

for the cocoon to reveal its glorious fate

In time, some will return to the waters

the oceans and streams

slip out of our shells

grow gills and fashion fins

and learn to feed from the murky depths that over time

have become rich again with nutrients new

Others may grow limbs

feathers, beaks, tails and claws

learn to reproduce in the trees

burrow in the sand

walk on two legs or four

But until that time

that glorious unhurried time

we can simply bear witness and behold

basking in this moment still

and watch as the sun breaks on the distant vale and hill

as the great dawn of perfection unfolds

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